Citizens’ Charter Program is a bridge Between People and the State

The Citizens' Charter Program (CCAP) is committed to strengthen foundations of local governance and create an enabling environment between the communities and local public service agencies. To this end, we work not only with communities but also with key local government service provision agencies to bring communities closer to them and encourage government agencies to use communities as service delivery platform. All these efforts aims to create an atmosphere of trust and accountability between communities and the government institutions.

After successful implementation of facilitating coordination meetings between communities and Mazar-i-Sharif municipality and the provincial administration, this time the Mazar-i-Sharif Municipality held its 5th MCCMC meeting under the purview of CCAP, chaired by the Deputy Mayor. The meeting was attended by the representatives of relevant sector service provision departments, chairpersons of the Gozar Assemblies and representatives of health, education, women empowerment and environmental committees of community development councils.

The agenda of the 5th MCCMC meeting was focused on planting of trees in the urban areas at the beginning of Nauroz (i.e. Afghan New Year) and digging of wells for people who are in need of clean drinking water in some communities.

In the meeting, the officials and representatives of the relevant sectorial departments answered the questions raised by participants. They pledged to provide support to all the communities and Gozars, particularly in supporting planting of trees campaigns in the communities.