Our area was improved to a beautiful environment, safe from poverty and backwardness.

Asr e Naween Guzar in Seventh District of Mazar Sharif ,

Due to poverty the people of this development council were engaged in their own lives and family problems. Everyone was seeking way for themselves to get rid of these problems but due to disunity and different believes they could not reach the right path.

The formation of the community development council was a platform for all residents to get together; and also conduct of the training programs provided a transparent prospective of safe future for all the residents of the council. 

One of the council female member said, before the program covers our area; we all were living in one area and neither of us was counting him/herself responsible for it. The hard times had spoiled our confidence that we were even unable to own what we had. But by the formation of the development council all men and women were gathered and everyone was led to take on his/her responsibility to the area and get ways of solution to their problems. Our area was improved to a beautiful environment, safe from poverty and backwardness.

Although the people of the mentioned development council were faced with lots of difficulties and challenges but giving priority to their needs Citizens Charter Provincial Office in Mazar Sharif put the road construction project in their working priority which is already underway. During this process and prior to it the employees, trainers and social awareness teams of CC provincial office and facilitating partner officials regularly visited the residents of the council and provided them necessary trainings and awareness.

The subcommittees of the mentioned development council have been active too and provided sanitation training to 400 families at Guzar level; the subcommittee of environmental protection is engaged in planting seedling.  The people of the council who were motivated by the community contribution under CC got united with other relevant councils and Asr e Naween Guzar and with their own contribution dig two wells and repaired five. They have also trained one person in their area to repair the damaged wells when needed. Due to health, job and other socials affairs related requirements of poor families the members of the development council created an Aid box, collected 200000 Afghani aiming to provide loans with no interest to those families who are unable to do work or treat their patients. As stated earlier that a large number of young boys and girls in this council were illiterate. But a number of literate women in the council are working to create literacy classes and teach a number of illiterate women to fight the illiteracy phenomenon and eliminate it from their council.

Meanwhile, the women of the seventh Ansari council have created saving box to give loan to the women of the council and right now with their continued and consistent support and coordination with CC developmental projects they are focusing on other public projects which are resulted from their own investment.

It’s worth mentioning that the residents of the council with the other relevant councils and Asr e Naween Guzar had active contribution of financial and human resources in installation of a transformer with the capacity of 260 KW electricity at Guzar level.